Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Today we had the chance to go to the Temple of the Sun (Inca ruins in Ollantaytambo). We learned about the structures in which they were made and the history of why the temple was built. We walked to the top of the ruins and had a chance to see over the town of Ollantaytambo, which was breath taking. At the bottom of the ruins we ran into a family of alpacas, which were very friendly and willing to take pictures with us. After lunch, we went to go see a local traditional Incan healer, who taught us about the local culture and blessed our journey. After the healer we went to dinner, and had the opportunity to try a local drink that consists of purple corn, cinnamon, sugar, and pineapple; it was really good! It has been very enjoyable to talk to locals and practice our Spanish. They have been very patient and willing to communicate with us. Tomorrow we are headed to our home stays and are totally excited!!! We miss y'all but are having a wonderful time! :)

-Rachel Ryman and Emily Boone